Pinhole Photos, medium format

This gallery of images were taken with a wooden Ondu medium format pinhole camera. Each exposure ranges from 10-30 seconds, some being multiple exposures done in camera. 

Tumalo Falls
Tumalo Falls

My Ondu Camera
My Ondu Camera

Middle Tumalo Falls
Middle Tumalo Falls

Trees, DBL Exp
Trees, DBL Exp

Paulina Falls Upper
Paulina Falls Upper

East Lake
East Lake

Stump/Tree DBL Exp.
Stump/Tree DBL Exp.

 Grasses in Wind
Grasses in Wind

Tall Tree
Tall Tree

Tumalo Creek Mini Falls
Tumalo Creek Mini Falls

Still Grasses
Still Grasses

Tree Hug
Tree Hug

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 Kuhl Frames + ArtBend, OR541-728-2422